Zamka is a PvP game utilizing NFTs, powered by the Solana Blockchain and Stardust.

It will be originally launched as a browser based game, with ports coming to mobile devices in the later stages of the game.

Yes, the game can be played without owning a Zumon. Owning a Zumon has several benefits but it doesn’t alter your chances of victory.

-Treasury rewards, -Early access to beta, -Whitelist in future game projects, -Playing with your own Zumon in PvP.

A 4% fee will be charged of which 2% goes to the game treasury and 2% is distributed amongst holders.

Zamka is built on the Unity Engine.

The world of Zamka only has 1666 Zumons.

Exact date TBD. However, we are planning to mint sometime during March 2022.

The mint price would be 1.5 SOL.

There will be 5% secondary royalties.